Did you know that #Apple #macOS by default stores your local Spotlight searches and uses them to improve their service?

This option is NOT accessible from the obvious location of “Privacy and Security” but instead from “Spotlight”. #privacy #telemetry #datacollection

  • Harry SintonenOP
    13 months ago

    @disguy_ovahea Got any pointers to this prompt such as screenshot or video of it?

    In all my devices I never saw any prompt for participation. One of the devices came out of the box with macOS 15, other devices were upgraded. My iPhones upgraded to iOS 18 definitely did not prompt for participation and defaulted to it.

    If I would have seen any prompt for data collection I would have declined, so I am quite confident there were no prompts.

    • @disguy_ovahea
      13 months ago

      I know the permission was part of setup through Mojave, but I haven’t set up a new Mac since then. I deleted my comment after realizing my information is outdated.

      Sorry I can’t be more help.