Like imagine, one day… you turn on the news and see… “Breaking News: In a joint statement, the United Nations Security Council revealed that there has been an effort to conceal the existence of extraterrestial life that have arrived on our planet more than 50 years ago…”. Its the trending top google search result, everyone on the internet is talking about it. How would you react. What would be the reactions of your relatives, friends, neighbors, and everyone else, and what would the front page of Reddit and Lemmy look like?

  • Monster
    33 months ago

    Well, it depends on what happens afterwards. If the UN just says that they know about it but don’t show anything, I’d be excited but if nothing happens then I’d just continue what I’m doing. I’d certainly keep a closer eye on things and try to find out as much as I can. But, what I’d wonder about is the implications. If the government said “yeah, aliens have been here this whole time.” Then what would that mean for the world? If aliens are here then certainly they could’ve been exchanging ideas and technology since they mostly came from somewhere far away. And, if it turns out these ideas and technology that could potentially fix a lot of problems we have on earth, like replicators from star trek, or the cure for every disease, or emission less transportation, and they knowingly withheld this in order to ‘keep the secret’ there will be hangings and assassinations. I’d be excited but cautious.