• @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      Just in the interest of stemming misinformation, I would advise against Overframe being a good starting point, the builds are dated and it has the same issue as Reddit does of democratising incompetence.

      Dystopia’s youtube channel (not our one) is where you go to learn to break the game. Aznvasions also synthesis a lot of community deep lore and has a few originals too.

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago

        Yeah I mean it’s not the best and you definitely have to pay attention to when the guide was made but it can give you a basic idea of what builds look like. I just find youtube build guides annoying and I generally avoid them.

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          Dystopia is good because he shows the numbers, the interactions, and the code and maths that generates them. They’re very succinct videos, maybe erring on the side of being too dense when a lot of maths is involved.

          I just don’t think Overframe has any amount of salvageable information. Due to lack of time weighting, the top rated builds are all riddled with Viral HM which is now about two years in the grave as a meta; or they’re “optimal in a vacuum” Simulacrum Warriors builds which are now severely out of date, use faction mods which are now extremely niche, and don’t consider frame synergies at all. Overframe is nothing but red herrings and will lead newbies with no foundational knowledge completely up the garden path.