Was about to answer the billionaires one, realized there are better ways to spend this limited beautiful moment of life than being virtually shouted at.

How about you?

  • @Pavidus
    123 months ago

    I look at usernames. If it’s one I recognize, I generally don’t engage.

    • @LauchsOP
      103 months ago

      Ha, I have a similar process. I use Connect as my app which has a feature for user notes, so if I’ve tagged someone with a good note, I try to respond and vice versa.

      • @Pavidus
        53 months ago

        Hey, that’s a cool feature!

        • @LauchsOP
          43 months ago

          I love it! Really made browsing more enjoyable and I feel like it sort of rewards others for being interesting (in as much as a comment or reply from me could be considered a positive.)