Shattered Pixel Dungeon- v2.5.2, desktop linux, github version

So today I opened up Shattered Pixel Dungeon and discovered that my pastry had transformed into a birthday cake for Pixel Dungeon’s anniversary. I am not really a fan of real world time influencing games in general, since it hurts immersion for me. I also do not like my items in my inventory transforming on their own accord, and I do not really like anniversaries either because they remind me of how my ex-wife left me and took the kids with her. I haven’t heard from them in a very long time, and I feel that burning pain every time I pick up a birthday cake in game. Is there a way that I can either disable the holiday events? Alternatively, is there a way I can spoof the date/time so that the real world never affects my gameplay?

Thank you.

  • @Vencedor
    03 months ago

    Well, what do you expect when you not only copy paste another post that was already annoying and undermining Evan’s effort to try and make a fun easter egg (but I guess calling a fun feature with almost no gameplay effect that is actually directed to help the player as giving you “burning pain” isn’t undermining Evan’s effort). There not being a rule against something doesn’t make it right. Can you give homeless people fake coins? Yes, you can. Would it be the perfect introduction for a villain in a movie? Yes, it would be. Of course you have freedom of speech and can post stuff like this, but so do I, and if I find it annoying, spammy and undermining the efforts of a person that has developed a game for a long time, for free; I will say it and actively discourage it.

    • @Vencedor
      23 months ago

      Ah, yes, the best reply, the downvote.