Day 5: Print Queue

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL


  • @mykl
    3 months ago

    Oh my. I just watched yernab’s video, and this becomes so much easier:

    # Order is totally specified, so sort by number of predecessors,
    # check to see which were already sorted, then group and sum each group.
    Data  (□⊜□⊸≠@\n)(¬⦷"\n\n")"47|53\n97|13\n97|61\n97|47\n75|29\n61|13\n75|53\n29|13\n97|29\n53|29\n61|53\n97|53\n61|29\n47|13\n75|47\n97|75\n47|61\n75|61\n47|29\n75|13\n53|13\n\n75,47,61,53,29\n97,61,53,29,13\n75,29,13\n75,97,47,61,53\n61,13,29\n97,13,75,29,47"
    Rs    ≡◇(⊜⋕⊸≠@|)°□⊢Data
    Ps    ≡⍚(⊜⋕⊸≠@,)°□⊣Data