Hi! In the past I’ve only read some extremely basic theory on anarchism, I haven’t really had time to go more in depth, but recently I’ve had more time on my hands and am looking to get more educated, currently the only books I have on my list are “The Conquest of Bread” and “Anarchy Works”, and I’m looking for anything else that I should read.

Audiobooks are also greatly appreciated!

Thank you! I take frequent breaks from social media, so I may not respond in the day, but I do greatly appreciate any recommendations.

  • @A_Union_of_Kobolds
    212 days ago

    You’re very welcome! I got Novatore’s complete works not long ago, he really had a gift. Beautifully talented poet and certified badass.

    I hope you enjoy the rabbit hole of anarchism :) when I “discovered” it for myself years ago, I immediately knew I was in the right place. “You mean other people have been thinking like I do for centuries? I’m in.”