I do avoid most sales. They’re either a lie using a fake regular price, or a low quality product that didn’t sell, so they taking a loss to get rid of it. Either way, not worth my time. I shop for quality products that meet my needs when I need them, not when they’re on sale.
This is paid by Amazon as a social experiment. You don’t pay the tip.
Doesn’t matter, the money is nothing to me, it’s simple principle. I also don’t use store cards or coupons.
Weird flex
I’m a weird guy
Do you refuse to buy items on sale? Do you hate having money?
I do avoid most sales. They’re either a lie using a fake regular price, or a low quality product that didn’t sell, so they taking a loss to get rid of it. Either way, not worth my time. I shop for quality products that meet my needs when I need them, not when they’re on sale.