Hiya all. I was wondering what pointing options there were out there for split ergo keyboards? Looking around, on the face of it there seems to be the Apple Magic Trackpad 2 and well that’s about it. There seem to be plenty of trackballs at various prices but nothing that looks particularly small and nondescript.

I will give mouse keys a try but I am really not convinced. If I could get my little Chromebook to display RDP colours correctly it may be that having a touchscreen would do just fine as an alternative.

  • ink_black_night
    1 year ago

    So you have the cirque glide point trackpads, pimoroni trackball, a nornal trackball and a thumbstick as pointes devices.

    All work with qmk and I think there are branches on zmk with some of the above at different stages.

    That is if you want to go ergo / custom. Look or ffkb, bastard keyboards and similar sellers for something less custom and pre built.

    Depending on where you are, there is also the ploppy trackballs and mice which are open sourced… but thise are devices on their own.