I get that actors are expensive, but how does it ever get to insane numbers like 350 million (for endgame) and 200 million (for titanic).

Am I missing some insane cost? And why do some of the best movies ever suddenly cost a lot less?

  • @ThekingoflordaOPMA
    22 years ago

    Isn’t like 50% of the scenes in endgame just people talking / planning?

    • GaryPonderosa
      42 years ago

      Sure. Where are they talking? Is it in a fanciful location or anywhere with a window? Itf so, it’s probably CGI.

      • @ThekingoflordaOPMA
        32 years ago

        Damn… is it really worth it to fake windows?

        • @mewpichu
          52 years ago

          Surprisingly, yes. Filming on location and all the logistics that go along with that can balloon the cost real fast, especially for multiple locations. (Site fees, travel, talent costs, additional security, a separate crew unit, etc) CGI allows you to create different locations through green screen, which majorly cuts down on a lot of the scheduling/logistics. Sometimes green screen will be just a window, other times it will be literally the entire set.

          • @Hypersapien
            42 years ago

            They’re starting to use sets where, instead of having greenscreen, the walls are giant LED screens where they display the background. This way the director has complete control of what is going on in the scene in the moment. (also, with greenscreen you can get a weird green reflection on the actors that needs to be corrected for).

            • @mewpichu
              12 years ago

              If sure there’s a pros and cons list for green screen vs LED wall, but honestly I think it’s just so amazing that LED tech has come as far as it has so quickly!

        • @GreyHouseElf
          22 years ago

          Sets are mostly greenscreen for these movies like this one: