Exactly. Same applies for self sustaining houses as well. Especially if a company is able to develop ones that undercut current house storage systems. I know I myself would buy a home storage system if they were 20 to 30 percent cheaper, and would have better peace of mind knowing if there is a battery failure my house isn’t going to go up in flames.
Exactly. Same applies for self sustaining houses as well. Especially if a company is able to develop ones that undercut current house storage systems. I know I myself would buy a home storage system if they were 20 to 30 percent cheaper, and would have better peace of mind knowing if there is a battery failure my house isn’t going to go up in flames.
What’s your personal threshold? Prices in europe fell below 300€/kwh, which is quite nice.
We might be soon able to buy 5 kwh for under 1000€.
The prices are currently going down fast. You can get 5k already for 830€ and 10k for 1430€