This may overlap a lot with the discussion on what people are buying during the Steam sale discussion, but here it is anyways.

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    I don’t. But you can assign a key (paddle?) to it.

    Edit: just checked - go to options -> controller -> change bindings -> then it’s in the communication tab (third one).

    I’d recommend binding your l4 to the select button, r4 to start, and r5 to left bumper. Makes it much easier to call in strategems and use the map during play. Use l5 to open comms then

    Also change the grenade key to tap right bumper and unmap it from the right arrow d-pad button then change the right d-pad button to mark. If you don’t unbind it, you’ll mark and throw a grenade at the same time

    • @twistypencil
      13 months ago

      Thanks! I figured out how to do PTT, and m definitely going to remap what you said because I was finding the disconnect between using those defaults to be problematic. I kept grenading big holes but finding it awkward to switch back to a weapon before I got swarmed, or calling in strategems means I stand there like a doofus starting at my wrist while I up down left right, etc. Meanwhile, hoards are swarming me

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        I also hate how the default was push to pull out grenades. Before I made it tap to throw and then the gun comes back out, I’d blow myself up way more than I care to admit lol

        • @twistypencil
          13 months ago

          I actually didn’t understand this part of your config… I tried to do it but my left dpad is needed for strategems… And I ended up in game without being able to use any that required left to call lol

          • @[email protected]
            13 months ago

            Just saw this, if you remap in game and not through the deck interface for all but the r4/5 and l4/5 keys it works well