• @PotjiePig
    1 year ago

    Plot twist: The money to spawn comes from other people randomly. Eventually people start reporting vanishing money at the same time that people hear news of a man randomly raining money wherever he goes. This immediately sparks controversy and religion, as the country begins to destabilize and the economy grinds to a halt.

    The government gets together and decides that changing the currency to a new note, so as to avoid it being conjured away and raining somewhere east of Massachusetts, is the only solution forward.

    This has an unexpected blowback, as the superpower is to spawn money, not useless green paper. The rain immediately changes to the new currency.

    Discovering this loophole, the government changes the currency to bowling balls in the hope to have the problem solve itself.

    You now randomly hail bowling balls around you and the local bowlingalley owner is a tycoon. You killed ten pin bowling. I hope you’re happy you bastard.