This is about interesting ideas or strategies to make coming back to Shattered Pixels as fresh and fun each play through after burning over 100s of hours with the great game.

Like talking about self imposed rules or mixing different styles etc…

SPD offers so much room for experiment that I always wanted to know how other (expert or veteran) players make their play through interesting?

To begin on a simple note:

I like playing with swarm intelligence and hostile champions irrespective of the hero type. It brings challenge by default to otherwise normal difficulty which makes it by preferred style in addition to any other self imposed rules

Please share your thoughts!!

  • @chonglibloodsport
    33 months ago

    I like to bounce back and forth between different games. I find that I enjoy a game more when I’m coming back to it and rediscovering things as well as discovering new things that have been added or changed!

    I have a number of different roguelikes that I love and enjoy bouncing around between, including SPD!