Mostly only the two timed achievements left.

Having completed the first run in 200 hours, it seem pretty safe to manage 100 hours now that I know what to expect, but the 40 hour one is probably going to need some thought.

Nefrum has started speedruns on it, and set a baseline of 15 hours.

Has anyone managed or tries it? What is your strategy?

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    I haven’t done the new space age timed run achievements yet. I still consider the timed runs to be 15hrs and 8hr… lol.

    Much of the same rules apply im guessing: Adjust resource settings to be higher density, pre-blueprint a lot of stuff, bum-rush construction robots as fast as humanly possible. Build wide with low teir belts/machines, don’t bother with optimizing, modulizing, or investing your limited resources into higher level belts or machines.
    Also, your character crafting queue should NEVER be idle. You should always be making some kind of construction material, or if you don’t need that, then science packs. It helps.