Discuss your thoughts, theories, opinions, and predictions based on episode 4 here!

  • @ComradeMiao
    52 months ago

    Is it worth starting now? I read the first episodes reviews and was turned away

    • @clothes
      72 months ago

      I’ve been very impressed, on the whole. I’m still in awe that a big-budget Bene Gesserit show is being made at all, and I had very low expectations. I assumed it would be a cynical action show about sexy warrior ladies or whatever, but so far they’ve shown a competent understanding of why I love the sisterhood.

      There’s definitely fan-service: shoehorned references to the movies, accelerated timelines and drama, and constant nudity that doesn’t lift the plot. But it’s a complex story that is fundamentally about the intricacies of the early Bene Gesserit, and I’m having a great time.

      It’s not perfect and not for everyone, so it really depends on what you want from a Bene Gesserit show. My ideal show would never, ever be green lit, so I’m happy to accept this version.

    • @itsAsin
      42 months ago

      the first episode was a bomb, but it has been getting better. i am intrigued by the plot and i think the season will finish strong.

    • @MimicJar
      32 months ago

      I’ve been watching week to week, I thought the first episode was a good start, the second was lacking, the third was confusing but interesting and the forth was good.

      Overall I’m still not sure. I’m probably going to finish the season at this point. It’s got potential, but I definitely have a hard time keeping track of what’s going on.

      I’d say give it a shot, but also maybe wait and binge it all at once.

    • ThePowerOfGeekOPM
      22 months ago

      Yes, I think it is. Just give it some time to evolve, and try to be patient with it. It’s got the same issue as other complex sci-fi adaptations (e.g. Foundation), where they need to do some world-building and take a bit of time to clarify and highlight some characters and arcs before they can really go to town. But I have a feeling that starting with the next episode (#5) things will start getting a bit more consistent and interesting.

      It has a similar feel to the movies, and a good cast. The dialogue is a bit stilted sometimes, which makes the actors look mediocre. But they are all good actors and are doing their best with the material. And there are some very interesting characters in there (e.g. Desmond Hart and Theodosia), among a number of ‘blah’ characters.

      I haven’t read the Sisterhood novel (I read the Prelude trilogy and stopped there since I didn’t like Brian Herbert’s writing style and how much he and Anderson repeated plot exposition). But from what I understand, they’ve made some major changes to the plot arcs in the show. And they seem to be improvements.

    • @AustralianSimon
      12 months ago

      After Wheel of Time I was skeptical but it shows promise.