Some good stuff for me this week

Toxic Avenger #3 - Actually been digging this series, I bought the first one just to read the “Message from Uncle Lloyd” but it ended up being (while updated and different) pretty faithful to the spirit of the OG.

In Bloom #1 - Art looks good, book looks creepy, will prob give it a shot.

Minor Arcana #4 - Unfortunately due to a damaged shipment I’ve had to wait for #3, hopefully I can get both this week.

From The World Of Minor Threats The Brood #1 - Ayyy more Minor Threats? Hell yeah! I’m in! The last one Barfly (still great, #4 out next week) wasn’t written by Patton Oswalt (the hilarious comedian/actor) and Jordan Blum but this one is and I’m excited. If you’ve been sleeping on Minor Threats, check out all of them. (Minor Threats, The Alternates, MT: Fastest Way Down, Barfly, and now The Brood)

Batman Dark Patterns #1 - Maybe, I’ve been buying too many comics and need to cut back a bit.

Space Ghost #8 - Space Ghoooost.

Creepshow 2024 Holiday Special - Never missed a Creepshow and I’m not starting now.

Shiver SuspenStories #1 - Gotta give it a shot!

That’s it for me, what are you pulling?

  • @jordanlundM
    23 months ago

    Good release last week that I didn’t notice until I hit the shop on Saturday:

    Legend of Luther Arkwright Hardcover:

    So a little history lesson… The Adventures of Luther Arkwright is considered by some to be the very first British graphic novel, done by writer/artist Bryan Talbot.

    It was first serialized in the US by indie Publisher Valkyrie Press and ran 9 issues.

    Wiki has a good summary here:

    tl;dr - Alternate universe England, psychic soldiers, all black and white art.

    About decade later, Dark Horse picked up the rights, reprinted it, and published a sequel called “Heart of Empire”.

    So when I saw Legend on the shelf, I got interested… is this reprinting all the old stuff in a fancy hardcover?

    NOPE. It’s an ENTIRELY NEW Arkwright story!

    • @[email protected]OP
      23 months ago

      That does look pretty cool. I didn’t see it at my shop unfortunately, I’ll have to look into the back issues too!