Why are you angry about the suggestion? Let’s get to the bottom of this. Tell me why you’re personally invested in the idea that a family could be bribed into putting one of their kids in prison.
Not OP, but probably just tired of hearing the “what if” scenarios without proof. Just the idea you think the government can be such a well oiled machine that they found a fall guy and a family to go along with this within a week is funny. We don’t function that well. That’s why we have people shooting health insurance CEOs in the street.
All the what if’s remind me of gish gallop, so I don’t like that part too. That just might be me though.
Trolling suggests that I wanted you to respond. I don’t. If you suspect you’re being trolled, you should move on, no one is forcing you to participate in the discussion. Go be angry somewhere else.
Then I’m not really sure what you meant by your previous response? In what way did I say I had been trolled? Why do you keep calling me angry? Because I said “fucking” once? I’ve literally just been trying to have a conversation with you, but was certainly thrown off by your previous response.
Sorry but my time is too valuable to donate any more of it to you. I’ll be blocking you without reading your next comment to verify that you’ve read this one.
Yeah, his family was really desperate for the money and it was worth destroying his life over.
Fucking what are you smoking?
Why are you angry about the suggestion? Let’s get to the bottom of this. Tell me why you’re personally invested in the idea that a family could be bribed into putting one of their kids in prison.
Not OP, but probably just tired of hearing the “what if” scenarios without proof. Just the idea you think the government can be such a well oiled machine that they found a fall guy and a family to go along with this within a week is funny. We don’t function that well. That’s why we have people shooting health insurance CEOs in the street.
All the what if’s remind me of gish gallop, so I don’t like that part too. That just might be me though.
thanks for sharing your opinion :)
Maybe it was aliens.
Prove it wasn’t
Why? There’s no value in your suggestion.
Maybe you’re right. Who knows.
great speculation! :)
I’m not angry, I’m just not sure why you’d entertain such a thought. He comes from a wealthy family; the theory kinda dies there.
You said you had been trolled, that’s why :) Have a day. 👋
“I said something really stupid. Just kidding, I was trolling! Get trolled everyone!!!” -@[email protected]
Trolling suggests that I wanted you to respond. I don’t. If you suspect you’re being trolled, you should move on, no one is forcing you to participate in the discussion. Go be angry somewhere else.
Then I’m not really sure what you meant by your previous response? In what way did I say I had been trolled? Why do you keep calling me angry? Because I said “fucking” once? I’ve literally just been trying to have a conversation with you, but was certainly thrown off by your previous response.
Sorry but my time is too valuable to donate any more of it to you. I’ll be blocking you without reading your next comment to verify that you’ve read this one.
Aw, did I out troll the troll? Did I win the internet argument? I’m bored now :(