By the way, that’s the cost to send one piece of paper from the US to the UK. Unfortunately, I need to send it quickly and that’s the quickest I can get it there with the reasonable options I have available to me.

  • Flying SquidOP
    618 hours ago

    DHL is like a 2-hour drive away and I don’t have the time to do that, unfortunately. But thank you for the suggestion. Living in Indiana sucks. This town’s metro area has about 100,000 people, but DHL doesn’t think it’s worth having a depot here and Target has decided we’re too poor.

    • Franklin
      217 hours ago

      damn, they don’t even have a drop point?

    • @glimse
      218 hours ago

      On the bright side of living there, Adrianne Lenker has a great song named after your state!