In many ways, this is business as usual. Climate change is an international problem requiring international cooperation, the possibilities for which are determined by geopolitics. But this year, something more unsettling is emerging: climate change is itself beginning to impact geopolitics.

  • I'll be on [email protected]
    2 months ago

    Not a single mention of capitalism, and reformist bs like

    For example, out of the crises of the interwar period and the devastation of the second world war came legal protections for human rights, universal welfare systems and decolonisation.

    Ignoring the fact that all are on the rise again (E: “all being eroded again” might have been a better way to put it), because capitalism is decaying in to fascism again, and will continue to do so in never ending cycles unless it is abolished, makes this yet another fluff piece that completely misses the point.