Obviously it’s a metaphor for the Penderosky High School Fighting Pirates’ decision to let third string defensive tackle Edmund “Two Shoes” Wilson go from the team. Original

  • @PugJesus
    383 months ago

    Funny enough, heads started rolling in the French Revolution right after an idiotic manchild at the head of the country who was very popular a short time before attempted to sell his nation out to foreign powers to maintain the death-grip of the aristocracy on the public.

    Just an innocent observation.

    • OptionalOP
      83 months ago

      Well, I hardly see what that has to do with the Penderosky High School Fightin’ Pirates’ defensive line.

    • Sippy Cup
      83 months ago

      Notably, there was a grain shortage at the time. The first people to die were bakers who were accused of, often innocently, hoarding bread. Louis was ineffective at dealing with the shortage, and people were hungry.

      And Marie was still throwing lavish parties. At least that was the common perception. It didn’t help that France had emptied it’s coffers to fight the British on American soil.