I have a feeling this should be a good one! We’ve got some top tier owls, but only one can advance. This is likely to be another tough decision.

The petite Saw Whet is found from Canada to Mexico. Though only about 8 inches / 20 cm, and 2.8 oz / 80 g, this owl is no less vicious than its larger relatives, perhaps even more so, as it is also subject to predation itself. Like many owls, its name comes from its primary vocalization, a toot that is said to have the sound of a hand saw being sharpened on a whetstone. Saw Whet is not a bug eater like its size may imply: it eats almost entirely mammals from moles up to squirrels and bats, and will sometimes take a bird if need be, or some crabs and other seafood along the coast.

The competition is the owl that’s been so successful at dealing with environmental destruction with its great adaptability and sheer determination that its become somewhat of an outlaw. The Barred Owl is being treated as an invasive species, but I say it’s just making the best of the bad situation many owls like the Saw Whet are suffering from: deforestation. While other owls can’t find food, shelter, or territory, Barred Owl laughs. It eats anything, lives anywhere, and is a tough son of a gun who isn’t even afraid to fight humans during nesting season. Once only in the Eastern US , it has crushed southern Canada and is coming down the West Coast. While it can be a tough customer, it can also look very gentle and cuddly when it wants to, and it wears a somber expression, possibly from just being tired of being misunderstood.

So do you pick the pocket sized puff ball with surprised eyes and a bit of a moody side, or the bold, loud, and proud Barred Owl who has a tough exterior hiding a heart of gold? I know some of you have been having some very good Barred Owl sightings lately and getting lots of upvotes yourselves, so this will make it tough for baby if you. Mage your choice and vote now!

#superbowl #owloftheyear2024

  • @anthropomorphized
    3 months ago

    We need you Eastern Hemisphere! Vote for Barred, he cute too 100001044310000104471000010446