You will want to modify the sudoers file. In a terminal sudo nano /etc/sudoers. You will want to go down to the line %wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL and comment it out by adding # in front of it. A few lines down should be a similar line # %wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL. You will want to uncomment this by deleting the # at the beginning of the line. With nano, you can save by hitting ctrl+O then hitting ENTER to confirm. Hit ctrl+X to exit nano.
Thanks, I tried that before and I think it only worked until I re-logged (?). I’ll try that again, this time will use something else than vi editor to be sure.
vi is definitely different being a modal editor. If you are new to Linux, I would suggest nano. It is much easier to understand, even if it isnt as fast as vi can be. Many distros have it installed, and pretty much all of them should have it in their repos.
nano always bugged/confused me. Something like ne would be better. But even then, really, if you’re using *nix, you should learn at least the basics of vi(m).
You will want to modify the sudoers file. In a terminal
sudo nano /etc/sudoers
. You will want to go down to the line%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
and comment it out by adding#
in front of it. A few lines down should be a similar line# %wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
. You will want to uncomment this by deleting the#
at the beginning of the line. With nano, you can save by hitting ctrl+O then hitting ENTER to confirm. Hit ctrl+X to exit nano.Link to sudoers man page
Thanks, I tried that before and I think it only worked until I re-logged (?). I’ll try that again, this time will use something else than vi editor to be sure.
vi is definitely different being a modal editor. If you are new to Linux, I would suggest nano. It is much easier to understand, even if it isnt as fast as vi can be. Many distros have it installed, and pretty much all of them should have it in their repos.
always bugged/confused me. Something like ne would be better. But even then, really, if you’re using *nix, you should learn at least the basics of vi(m).