The dude who shot “Mr. Claim Denied” wasn’t a leftist, thank goodness.
They can’t just scapegoat us and our ideology. We’re ALL sick of the shit.
Left. Center. Right.
We’re all tired of our health funding your lavish lifestyle.
ALL of us.
(Not you, the commenter of course. You’re right about what the anonymous asshole meant).
My 16 year old daughter lost her mother to breast cancer. She was approved for treatments that were 50 years old. Because she was a poor, she couldn’t benefit from cutting edge treatments. SUCK MY COCK YOU BASTARDS! I hope you all die slow! A shot in the back is a walk in the park compared to what my ex suffered, crying and begging for three years while you denied medication and said it wasn’t necessary. FUCK YOU!
We’re all done with it.
I will personally celebrate every time one of you drops. I wish that wasn’t true. I really do. I hate feeling that way.
I will cheer on any bastard who has nothing left to lose and I’ll donate my money to his legal defense despite having nothing.
Thank you. What really sucks is that she might have had a chance, but they seriously treated her with treatments that went to the public in 1974. I’m not kidding. That’s what they gave her. She suffered from early 2019-2022.
Her insurance denied every other treatment. She drove over 300 miles to try to qualify at a university. Her insurance said no. The end. Try charity. I posted everywhere I could. No one commented, no one replied.
She called me that night crying her eyes out, “This was it angryseal, this was my last chance. It’s all luck from here on out.”
The dude who shot “Mr. Claim Denied” wasn’t a leftist, thank goodness.
They can’t just scapegoat us and our ideology. We’re ALL sick of the shit.
Left. Center. Right.
We’re all tired of our health funding your lavish lifestyle.
ALL of us.
(Not you, the commenter of course. You’re right about what the anonymous asshole meant).
My 16 year old daughter lost her mother to breast cancer. She was approved for treatments that were 50 years old. Because she was a poor, she couldn’t benefit from cutting edge treatments. SUCK MY COCK YOU BASTARDS! I hope you all die slow! A shot in the back is a walk in the park compared to what my ex suffered, crying and begging for three years while you denied medication and said it wasn’t necessary. FUCK YOU!
We’re all done with it.
I will personally celebrate every time one of you drops. I wish that wasn’t true. I really do. I hate feeling that way.
I will cheer on any bastard who has nothing left to lose and I’ll donate my money to his legal defense despite having nothing.
Even left/right/center is scapegoating. Or rather divide and conquer.
And suddenly the divide is a commie one - proletariat vs borgouis.
Sorry about your daughter.
Thank you. What really sucks is that she might have had a chance, but they seriously treated her with treatments that went to the public in 1974. I’m not kidding. That’s what they gave her. She suffered from early 2019-2022.
Her insurance denied every other treatment. She drove over 300 miles to try to qualify at a university. Her insurance said no. The end. Try charity. I posted everywhere I could. No one commented, no one replied.
She called me that night crying her eyes out, “This was it angryseal, this was my last chance. It’s all luck from here on out.”
Fuck those parasites. Seriously, FUCK THEM!