I hate how “anti-war” has been hijacked by these people to mean, let imperialist countries invade whoever they want with no consequences. (in the case of tankies, any imperialist country that isn’t in NATO).

  • @TokenBoomer
    -32 months ago

    I’m not too thick to understand you have no way of knowing the intent of @[email protected]. I’m not defending Putin’s egregious invasion. But, that doesn’t mean I can’t recognize American imperialism had a hand in it’s provocation.

    • By stating it was provoked, you’re defending Putin. Unleashing rape and murder on a civilian population is not something you “provoke”. Ukraine has a sovereign right to wish to join NATO or the EU, as any sovereign nation does. Putin does not get a vote in that.

      • @TokenBoomer
        -32 months ago

        Remember the many times Russia tried to join NATO? Probably not.

        • Yes, and I remember Russia demanding unreasonable terms as a condition for entering. They sabotaged that themselves. Russia demanded all kinds of foreign policy from NATO and demanded a special status within the alliance. They also did not want to follow the normal procedure for joining, like the other members did.

          This is all from your own source by the way. Did you even read it or are you just throwing links around hoping people don’t read them?

          • @TokenBoomer
            -32 months ago

            Then, surely you are aware that American “Shock Therapy” created the conditions that led to the current situation.

            • Which is also irrelevant, because it doesn’t in any way excuse Putins decision to invade Ukraine, raping and killing innocent civilians as a result.

              Regardless, Russia is and always was a sovereign nation. The US can advise whatever they like, Russian leadership ultimately decided what actually got implemented. Not to mention the pretty terrible state the Soviet economy was in already.

              • @TokenBoomer
                -22 months ago

                I hate to be the one to tell you this, and I mean no offense, but you just don’t understand; we’re not as moral as we think. 🤔

                • Lmao as if I don’t know? Philosophy experiments are fun and all but humans just suck at conceptualizing beyond what we can see. Random kids across the ocean people have a hard time empathising with unprompted.

                  Regardless, this is another completely irrelevant article you’ve shared. Perhaps one could argue the west is standing by as a Ukrainian child is drowning. But that’s still infinitely more moral and ethical than taking the child from his mother, dragging it into a pond, raping it there, then shooting it, all in front of their mother, only to then call it “provoked” and “self-defense”, all because mommy decided to open a Tinder account and matched with a couple western guys. Because that’s all justified of course, only a couple decades ago were you their abusive boyfriend so clearly it’s justified, right?

                  Such a paragon of morality, that Putin fella.