I think that you need to improve dynamic Colors cause they are really subtle, so it’s mostly white and I also struggle “separating” posts. Also, it would be nice if we could have the option to show post content no matter the base view type :))
Could you please clarify on this point? Thank you.
Oh, yes. When I use the Cards 2 layout which I prefer more because of the rounded corners and the posts having a devider, summit looks like this:
You can see that there is no post content like Full layout has ( I think it’s full layout)
This layout shows post content. So I believe it would be nice if we had the option to see post content no matter what layout we choose :)
Sorry for the late response. Been very busy this week. Just so I understand correctly, what you really want is “full layout” but with cards. Is that correct?
Don’t worry about it!
Yeah I guess. I just want post content to be visible (or at least an option) no matter the view type :))