I don’t think so. And it was a LOT of leaves. We’re talking big holes. He would dig a hole, put in the leaves, and stand there with a string trimmer, blasting away at them. Then cover them up. It was especially odd because the city collects them for free. All you have to do is blow/rake them into a pile on the street.
I had a neighbor for a while that ran his gas blower for a couple hours EVERY DAY. I think he had some sort of PTSD trauma and it soothed him.
He also dug holes in his backyard to bury leaves. Quite a …… character.
Would that make them compost faster?
I don’t think so. And it was a LOT of leaves. We’re talking big holes. He would dig a hole, put in the leaves, and stand there with a string trimmer, blasting away at them. Then cover them up. It was especially odd because the city collects them for free. All you have to do is blow/rake them into a pile on the street.
Probably not, air is an ingredient in compost. It’s why compost barrels spin.