Short one for me this week,

Black Hammer Spiral City #2 - Black Hammer is pretty good, I need to pick up all the back issues. One of the few superhero things I like.

From The World Of Minor Threats Barfly #4 - Last of Barfly’s saga so far. Good luck Shiteater, we love you! The Brood (the next Minor Threats series) is shaping up to be pretty good so far too.

Groo Minstrel Melodies #4 - My shop missed #3 I think.

Freddie The Fix #1 - One shot, looks interesting.

Moon Is Following Us #4 - Been a good series so far! Parents have to enter their kid’s dreams to save her consciousness and wake her up.

Sacrificers #13 - Man, even as a god of vengeance, Pigeon has it rough.

That’s it for me, what’re you grabbing this week?

  • @jordanlundM
    3 months ago

    Looks like a big week for me…

    Action Comics #1080 - Been running weekly for a bit while they do a big Phhantom Zone story. Good stuff!

    Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight Returns #4 - Another fun weekly… Batman / Santa Claus.

    Captain America #16 - Really just been buying this out of habit. It’s decent enough, but not stellar.

    Challengers Of The Unknown #1 - Should be good! Think “Fantastic Four BEFORE they got super powers.” Science heroes. Ties in with Justice League Unlimited and the Question. 6 issue mini.

    Dark Knights Of Steel Allwinter #6 - Final issue, been waiting to read it all at once.

    Epitaphs From The Abyss #6 - Rebooted EC comics, #6 of 12. They have 3 other books in the line, Cruel Universe, Shiver SuspenStories, and fantasy anthology Cruel Kingdom. “Blood Type” will be out in May for Free Comic Book Day.

    From The World Of Minor Threats Barfly #4 - I’m waaaaay behind on these…

    Green Lantern Green Arrow World’s Finest Special #1 - loved the old team up in the 70s.

    Jenny Sparks #5 - Still not entirely cool with Captain Atom as a psychopath, but I do want to see where this goes. 2 issues left!

    John Constantine Hellblazer Dead In America #11 - Another final issue I’ve been waiting to binge.

    New Gods #1 - I dunno, I’ll LOOK at it. I’ve never been a fan, looks like DC is rebooting it again. Kirby tried the same basic plot at both Marvel and DC multiple times and it never really worked. 12 issues.

    Nexus Scourge #1 - Maybe. While I dearly love me some Nexus, it’s not quite the same without Steve Rude on art.

    Paklis #9 - Great sci-fi anthology book!

    Penthouse Comics #6 - Adult comics in the style of Heavy Metal magazine.

    Plastic Man No More #4 - Final issue! Dark Plas story. :(

    Question All Along The Watchtower - Another tie to Justice League Unlimited and Challengers of the Unknown. 6 issue mini.

    Rocketfellers #2 - Another entry in the Ghost Machine series. See Geiger, Redcoat, Rook, etc. 25th century family trapped in 2024.

    Sacrificers #13 - Another one I am sadly behind on.

    Spectregraph #4 - Another magazine sized work from DSTLRY - every one of their books is a banger. I THINK this is the final issue. Would be the first of theirs to go more than 3.

    TVA #1- Bringing in characters from the Loki Disney+ show? 5 issues. Written by the Loki Season 2 showrunner.

    Ultimate Spider-Man #12 - Enjoying all the Ultimate stuff. Weirder than last time though!

    Wonder Woman #16 - Just a great run.

    • @[email protected]OP
      23 months ago

      I’ve been loving the Minor Threats stuff for sure, and Sacrificers.

      Looks like I missed Plastic Man on my list but I’ll be getting that too, though I’m behind one on that myself lol.