I’ve seen at least 2 post today where a front page post has many normal looking comments, but their username was [deleted] Doesn’t seem normal, any theories on whats going on?
Is my browser bugged?
I’ve seen at least 2 post today where a front page post has many normal looking comments, but their username was [deleted] Doesn’t seem normal, any theories on whats going on?
Is my browser bugged?
Entire comment sections are just bots, for the most part, if reddit is actually identifying bots and non humans then it would be normal to see wasteland threads.
The Internet is in a sad state.
Weird thing is like I browsed 5 threads and its all just [deleted], seemed like a site-wide system crash lol
I think reddit might actually powered by a hamster running on a wheel, and the hamster is just dead from exhaustion.