Or am I the only one remembering this opinion? I felt like it was common for people to say that the internet couldn’t be taken down, or censored or whatever. This has obviously been proven false with the Great Firewall of China, and of Russia’s latest attempts of completely disconnecting from the global internet. Where did this idea come from?

  • @DragonsInARoom
    13 months ago

    Depends on how much can be taken down via software or hardware. Hardware wise undersea data cables carry all the traffic of the internet and when they’re cut the internet will stop working. Software wise, the internet is hard to take down because most means; like the law, malware, and other attacks only affect invidiual websites. Even if AWS were taken down, they would have backups to reduce the outage, and that kind of attack would be as difficult as cutting an undersea data cable. (But the Russians are testing their ability to cut them.)