she tried to get wrapping paper made, presumably to sell to raise campaign funds.

the wrapping paper and it had a pattern that alternated between a graphic that reads,


“No [picture of balls] in our stalls,” and her campaign logo.

“My team just informed me that no company would make this wrapping paper for us because it’s too ‘offensive,'” she wrote.


“What I find offensive is men in women’s bathrooms.”

“A sitting Congresswomen using a disgusting and bigoted slur about Americans who staged a nonviolent protest,” responded Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-FL). “People who use this type of despicable language should not be leading anyone.”

  • @wjrii
    3 months ago

    Even apart from the whole “descent into a Christo-fascist nightmare” thing, which some might argue is the real issue, I suppose, the post-Trump GOP is also going to be so incredibly cringe as a bunch of angry Poli-Sci nerds of varying personal commitment to their awful positions clumsily try to replicate Trump’s brand, which for all of its literal lying and ignorance, rings true to who he is as a person and genuinely taps into the ugly id of many people.

    Also, unless I’m seriously overestimating the novelty wrapping paper industry’s commitment to inclusivity, I’m not buying that they couldn’t find anybody willing to make the wrapping paper. Almost guarantee the staffers reached out to a few campaign-merch middlemen who work with Republicans, got told no, and then gave up and told their asshole boss it couldn’t be done.

    • @Khanzarate
      43 months ago

      I am also confident that the underlings are giving this sort of thing the minimum effort. What’re the politicians gonna do, do it themselves? No way.