Up next is a pair of beautiful white (mostly) owls, the Snowy and the Barn.

Snowy, representing the “true owls” of family Strigidae, is coming right off a heated battle with Crested Owl that it only won with a 1 vote margin. Some have made it their mission this tournament to stop the attention seeking of Snowy and give someone else some time in the limelight. With that said, people around the world do love the Snowy and can’t get enough of this beautiful bird!

Opposing the Snowy, from family Tytonidae, the Barn and Bay owls, is the eponymous Barn Owl. While some barn owls we know almost nothing about, the Tyto alba we’re looking at today is one of the most studied owls, subject of many famous studies. They are found everywhere but Antarctica,and they don’t do too well in extreme cold, so you can find them most anywhere, though coincidentally not in many if the same places as Snowy.

Both are tremendous owls, but we’ve only got one banner spot left, and one of these lovely birds has got to say goodbye. Which will it be? Upvote your favorite owl now!

#superbowl #owloftheyear2024

  • anon6789OP
    3 months ago

    I thought the Barn Owl ones were equally glamorous, but you guys don’t look to be in agreement!! 🤔

    Edit: of course the second I post that, a bunch of views most have federated in, now Barn is only behind by 1. I feel I’ve been having some refresh issues lately and not sure if it’s my app or something with federation.