Now I have to hope to the god that is part of my new official state religion (do I need to have the local vicar over for tea when I move?) that someone over there hires me soon. Amazingly, people want to interview me.

The goal is to get the fuck out of America with my daughter before Trump is inaugurated. No specific plan of where to move, just wherever I get a job. We will move to the Falklands if we have to.

It feels so close now.

  • @MintyFresh
    2 months ago

    Lol Indiana is the worst. I was an over the road trucker for a bit, and as such became somewhat familiar with the lower 48. Indiana was consistently the worst. Everyone was angry all the time. And I honestly suspect some sort of environmental thing depressing I.Q.'s.

    On the East Coast, drivers where aggressive assholes, but you could at least predict them because they wanted rational things. May be willing to risk not only their life and limb, but everyone else’s too. But at least it made sense.

    The south has lackadaisical drivers. Unconcerned with anyone’s hustle. I think they may resent the invention of the clock. They have my grudging respect.

    Midwest would be the best if not for all the snow, but it has the benefit of keeping your Texas types at bay.

    Texas is an abomination that wants no explanation because fuck you and the earth you came from. But stick around for “the good news”. I won’t be sorry to see Texas become uninhabitable in the coming climate apocalypse.

    Indiana seems to thrive on retardation and anger. I know the r word is frowned upon, and for good reason, but I can’t think of a substitute. I have yet to meet a happy person in Indiana. And someone should really tell them they fought for the union in the civil war. Overall just fucking embarrassing. Worst drivers in the nation too.