"The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) believes that China, Russia, Iran, and Israel are the “primary” countries exploiting security holes in telecommunications networks to spy on people inside the United States, which can include tracking their physical movements and intercepting calls and texts, according to information released by Senator Ron Wyden.

The news provides more context around use of SS7, the exploited network and protocol, against phones in the country. In May, 404 Media reported that an official inside DHS’s Cybersecurity Insurance and Security Agency (CISA) broke with his department’s official narrative and publicly warned about multiple SS7 attacks on U.S. persons in recent years. Now, the newly disclosed information provides more specifics on where at least some SS7 attacks are originating from."


#USA #CyberSecurity #DHS #SS7 #MobilePhones #Surveillance

  • @Coreidan
    23 months ago

    You left out the biggest offender: USA

    Ok sure let’s get all pissed off at China. Meanwhile USA is doing more than all these other countries combined.