Welcome to possibly the last major release of the year! As the end of the year approaches, I am planning on taking a short break from developing Summit in favor of going out more and also catching up on some video games.

This update refreshes the layouts of the various card layouts in the app. It aims to make distinguishing between different cards easier and also improving the general look of things.

This update also fixes various bugs as well.

As this update changes the UI of the app, I would greatly appreciate any feedback on the changes. Of course if you have feedback about the UI in any part of the app please feel free to post those too!

Full Changelog

  • Updated designs for layouts Card, Card 2 and Card3.
  • Fixed a bug where images within tables do not load.
  • Fixed a bug where post data does not update after a comment is posted.
  • Fixed a bug where post content will sometimes flicker even if nothing has changed.
  • Fixed a bug where the shadows of the card layouts were cropped.
  • Added a button to the image viewer. If the image being viewed has a higher quality alternative, a HD button will be visible allowing the user to view the alternative image.

Very minor Try loading this table on the latest version of the app!

Card Card 2 Card 3


Minor change to improve QoL. This change will be released as v1.49.1.

  • Added a button to the image viewer. If the image being viewed has a higher quality alternative, a HD button will be visible allowing the user to view the alternative image.
  • MightyCuriosity
    14 hours ago

    Thank you for your amazing work and contributions. The new update looks fresh. Two suggestions I have:

    1. Make the pill/notifications text white or black depending on the displayed background.
    2. Make the padding on the side (at least) adjustable. With card style 2 and the new layout I lose a lot of horizontal width.

    Loving this app! Keep it up