The issue here is threefold, broadly speaking. Firstly, the artist contracted to produce the pertinent loading screens was the same person who drew the iconic Bob loading screen over a decade ago. The Indie Stone enjoyed their new output well enough without spotting that it sat in stark contrast with the dark and gloomy vibe of the game. Secondly, The Indie Stone has also spent a non-insignificant amount of money and time setting up these loading screens with dedicated animated effects and other fancy tidbits. Those, too, are now gone. Finally, the dialogue over the nature of this art was taking over the main subreddit, when the focus should’ve squarely been on the actual content of Build 42’s update.

  • @Yokozuna
    63 months ago

    Disappointed, the image I saw in the article sums up zomboid perfectly.

    • @JayEchoRay
      53 months ago

      I mean it makes sense and thematically works in setting - maybe I am becoming an old fart, but the game takes place in the mid-to-late 90s and it felt like the style was too “modern” for the setting. I guess it is a very weird take I accept, but it felt like something that would fit in a zomboid that had a 2010s setting

      I suppose, for me, there was an art style dissonance (which doesn’t have to be a bad thing)

      I mean it was initially a bit jarring, but the main menu that was removed felt more modern but still had enough nostalgia to be comfortable.

      A TLDR: I am sure it would have been something I would have gotten used to, but initial impression made me feel it was too realistic for zomboid’s style