• @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
    23 months ago

    Some of the money used to fund the prosecution was used on travel expenses and hotel rooms for the purposes of helping to cover up the affair.

    If any of this is illegal under state or County law by all means give her the boot. That doesn’t seem to be what anyone is saying though. “Conflict of interest” and “impropriety” are seemingly the worst she’s guilty of.

    It only takes a few simple questions. Did she fail to meet specific criteria when she hired Wade as special prosecutor? Was she required to disclose prior conflicts of interest or ones that formed during the course of the indictment? Did Wade make unauthorized purchases with the fees he was paid? Were the rights of the defendant violated? Is there any evidence their relationship has diminished their efficacy in prosecuting this case? If none of these answers are “yes” then it’s 100% about optics. If any of these are a “yes” then this should’ve been settled months ago.