§ 311.20 Sexual odor of swine.
(a) Carcasses of swine which give off a pronounced sexual odor shall be condemned.
(b) The meat of swine carcasses which give off a sexual odor less than pronounced may be passed for use in comminuted cooked meat food product or for rendering. Otherwise it shall be condemned.
Pretty sure this is in reference to “boar taint” which is… Not exactly a less suggestive term, hm.
(Click the link. Do it.)
I clicked the link and that was actually pretty interesting.
Yeah, I didn’t really find that especially disgusting. The smell is from a combination of a hormone and bacteria and it can be battled with vaccination. That said, it also doesn’t sound like it’s dangerous to eat or anything. 🤷
Damn, it’s only 9am and it’s already too much internet for me today
“…Some producers are breeding out the taint…”
That’s called a cloaca.