We’ve had weeks of alternating torrential rain and super hot sunny days that have both prevented me from mowing, but super charged the lawn growth at the same time.

The lawn was almost a foot long after not being able to mow it for 14 days due to the weather.

I had to empty the catcher on the mower every 10ft, and I made so many trips back and forth to the green waste bin with the catcher, I got my 8000 steps for the day.

It normally takes me an hour to mow the front and back lawns, but today it took me three and a half hours. The last two hours were in the dark, and I had to mow with a pair of torches…

It’s nice that it’s done now, but I’ll have to mow again within the next 5 days.

  • @Botzo
    63 months ago

    I had some fancy gutter guards/filters installed this last spring and it was worth every penny.

    We have an oak tree that will fill the >6in deep gutters with acorns and leaves until they overflow and burst the straps.

      • @Botzo
        53 months ago

        Right about $500 (in a high cost of living area area). That included them cleaning out the gutters first. Of course, that was a single 60ft run where the tree is.

        I should have done it myself ages ago, but they were already moving a downspout for a window.