I have always been discovering new things about Linux distros while distro hopping. And when I get something I really like, I just copy the package name and make sure I install it in every distro I use in the future.

Let me start:

  1. Clipboard manager (Gpaste)
  2. KDE connect
    • JeraldOP
      12 years ago

      I didn’t know about tmux. I haven’t heard much about it. What’s it’s purpose and what use would it have for a general user?

      • Jason
        12 years ago

        @Owell1984 @eshep tmux and Vim are the 2 things I return to every couple of years. I commit to using them everywhere so everything gets stuck in muscle memory and it all becomes second nature. And then I get sick of it and say screw that (for a year or two).