It was also noted that while under the Health Act 2006 it is illegal to give out free tobacco in the United Kingdom, Parliament is exempt from this as the Palace of Westminster is a royal palace, and therefore legally exempt from the legislation.

  • @this_1_is_mine
    2 months ago

    I lost a eighth under the seat of my car for 3 years in one of those camel tins… izmar stingers to be exact. It stuck to the bottom of my seat motor under my seat and blended in perfectly till one fateful day I was vacuuming out the car and smacked the tin off the motor… it lined up perfectly you really couldn’t tell. Greatest moment of my life as I laughed it off having had the car basically strip searched for illicit items by a cop and a dog that day I lost it… Missed out on a misdominor change inclusion of possession that would have really harmed my potential DUI charge for smoking weed on my way home from work. Literally got out of it saying I couldn’t have been since I had nothing with me Other than a glass one hitter And no method of fire. My lawyer was crazy the argument worked as this was many many years ago cali had barely legalized and where I was any amount In Your blood/urine counted as under the influence In my state.

    Anyway I used to smoke the shit out of those camals and got myself to the point I couldn’t stand the smell of cigarettes and would puke at the scent of izmar stingers.

    • @MutilationWave
      22 months ago

      I used to get so much free swag from Camel, and one of the things was testing the new tinned flavors. Some were ok, I remember one tasted like straight up vomit.