• @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      They owned themselves when they allowed biden to run for a second term and then realized they fucked up and decided to run Kamala instead of you know… democratically holding a primary.

      For a party that loves to pretend they care about “saving democracy” (whatever the fuck that means) they sure suck at practicing it.

      • @finitebanjo
        -33 months ago

        Oh no! Oh ouchie wowchie the man who won the primary and presidency got to be an incumbent, in light of this aggression we better let millions of people suffer to prove our point. /s

          • @finitebanjo
            3 months ago

            In 2020 Joe Biden recieved 19,080,502 votes, second place was Bernie Sanders with 9,680,424 votes.

            The “primary and presidency got to be an incumbent,” were listed in chronological order.

            • @[email protected]
              23 months ago

              And I’m talking about 2024… WHAT PRIMARY? are you liberals capable of any self reflection? Are you really this obtuse? You really can’t figure it out? The democrats lost in a landslide - they lost the electoral college and the popular vote, they lost the senate and the house, and they lost a bunch of state government positions as well. The liberals owned themselves when they allowed biden to seek a second term. That was the day they lost the election, and the only chance they had at winning was by holding a real primary and even when biden was arguably forced off the ticket by a palace coup instead of holding a primary they - in the back rooms of course - coronated Kamala Harris despite not winning a single vote for the position.

              And unrelated to my initial point but since you bring it up, 2016 was fucking electoral fraud from the DNC.

              • @finitebanjo
                3 months ago

                Incumbent Presidents never have a “fair primary.” Never in two hundred and fifty years. If you think the DNC committed fraud to change the results of 30 Million Votes, with a difference of 3.7 Million votes then that should be super easy to prove and get convictions for. Maybe 2 people can keep a secret but not 2 Million.

                I remind you that they tried to convict Hillary for keeping an email server in her closet instead of at her office. She wasn’t too powerful to take down.

                • @[email protected]
                  13 months ago

                  You’re such a fucking democrat shill it’s so fucking pathetic. I’m enjoying the liberal tears and screeching about how unfair it is that people wouldn’t vote for their shitty ass half dead corpse nor their shitty ass coronated identity politics candidate that nobody fucking voted for not even in the 2016 primary when she ran against biden before becoming VP.

                  Get this through your thick fucking skull: BIDEN SHOULD OF NEVER RAN FOR A SECOND TERM AND IN FACT PROMISED FOR HIS FIRST TERM HED BE A ONE TERM PRESIDENT. the democrats should of held a real primary and fucking refused to. Because they DO NOT CARE about “saving democracy” they don’t care about democracy or America all they care about is enriching their owners. They play pretend that they’re so progressive when they’re full of fucking shit and fools like you eat it up hook line and sinker it’s so fucking sad and pathetic. You’re a clown.

                  • @finitebanjo
                    03 months ago

                    Yeah I’m shilling for good things to happen for hundreds of millions of people, for the betterment of us all.

                    Sue me.

            • @[email protected]
              23 months ago

              Oh yeah after the DNC threw their weight around to get everybody to drop out of the race and endorse Biden, that was definitely a real and fully representative primary.

              Even after dropping out in april and endorsing Biden, Bernie still got more than half of Biden’s 19 million votes, comparatively, and even won several states. If the Democrats wanted to win more than anything else, that was their guy, and they willingly threw that advantage away. That should tell you something!!

              • @finitebanjo
                3 months ago

                Oh gosh oh geez the DNC “threw their weight” and that made 10 Million More People choose Biden over Bernie in the sanders. The powerful, unstoppable, crushing, figuratively speaking weight. That weight. You know the weight.

                • @[email protected]
                  3 months ago

                  Yeah buddy when everyone drops out of a primary just before the actual vote and tells their voters to vote for Biden, that’s definitely something that just naturally happens on its own and doesn’t completely defeat the purpose of running in a primary.

                  There’s actual documentation on this and actions threatened by the DNC like cutting them out of debates but I don’t even have to point to it to show you how silly you’re being, this is just a silly thing to argue just on the face of it.

                  I mean you probably have such a good understanding of spoiler candidates. What happens when a bunch of people who would have voted for many candidates all pool their votes for one candidate? For a guy who wasn’t even running on the day of the vote to get half as many votes as the only guy actually in the race is pretty indicative of his popularity

                  • @finitebanjo
                    -23 months ago

                    Bernie fucking Sanders, not even part of the DNC, was second place with a 10 Million Vote difference. The DNC doesn’t make Biden win by having people drop out in that context.

      • @finitebanjo
        -13 months ago

        It’s funny because it’s just mask off conservatism. That’s a Republican slogan.

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          You act like liberalism being the furthest left you can reasonably go doesn’t directly benefit the Republicans and even worse, you seem to think it isn’t also a conservative ideology. How quaint.

          • @finitebanjo
            -13 months ago

            Liberals don’t vote Republican because Republicans restrict rights and freedoms, thereby being ideologically opposed to Liberalism.

            Liberals in the USA either vote for Democrats or they’re confused.

            • @[email protected]
              13 months ago

              lol. I write:

              Liberalism being the furthest left you can reasonably acceptably go, directly benefits republicans.

              You read:

              Liberals vote republican

              You are not a serious person, you do not know what liberalism is, and your reading comprehension needs some work. Not to fret, however! I know just the way to practice!

              • @finitebanjo
                -13 months ago

                Right sorry, I forgot you lived in Bizzaro world where voting against Republicans directly benefits them. MB.