• @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Ultimately, there is a better strategy to jury nullification:


    TL;DR: It is most effective to plant seeds of doubt when reasonable, and legitimate ones. For this particular case, it would be the fact that the eyebrows don’t match between pictures, the police said they had found the backpack in NY only to then say they found him with his backpack at McDonalds, the fact that Luigi claims shit was planted on him and the police have a running history of planting evidence to suit their needs, etc.

    • @FordBeeblebrox
      62 months ago

      You’re absolutely right, I was conflating the manhunt and trial.

      The faces don’t match, and keeping the gun would be my reasonable doubt. No reason to keep something you can print again anytime. The police’s history speaks for itself, no verdict