I’m really impressed by the courage of the Amazon workers who are going on strike. I was thinking what if one of the conditions of the strikers is that Amazon stops funding Republicans. Then I realized more broadly what if workers in all companies went on strike and demanded that the companies no longer funded Republican candidates. What are your thoughts on this?

  • @Womble
    73 months ago

    The whole argument about why capitalism is bad is that it can arbitrarily remove your access to the basics of life by requiring you to sell your labour to survive and then by maintaining a reserve of people without work in order to keep the rest fighting for what there is.

    With that in mind it is self defeating to chastise people for choosing to work at amazon over starving or losing their home,

    • @Eranziel
      43 months ago

      Yes, this is the crux of the matter.

      If you give a person a choice between starving or screwing over the rest of society, they will choose the food nearly every time. Change the first part to “starve their children” and it basically becomes an absolute.