If the court ended up forcing Google to sell Android, shouldn’t we worry that its license as an open source project could be removed and then it become proprietary?
If the court ended up forcing Google to sell Android, shouldn’t we worry that its license as an open source project could be removed and then it become proprietary?
Again, your specificity is appreciated.
I could be wrong, but it seems to me Android devices are too important to just let them be abandoned if Google goes full-proprietary. It wouldn’t just be volunteers. Many companies have a huge stake in this OS and would continue to contribute.
I wish it’d be that way.
If they don’t contribute now, I doubt they would then. They don’t have any incentive in making the AOSP better publicly because that also makes it better for their competitors.
I think all the OEMs would have individual contracts for source code access anyways. It’s not like open source is the only possible model for industry-wide code collaboration.