My favourite faction has to be the funny greenskins. The orks are just so chaotic and funny to me, I never get tired of seeing them on screen.

I mean, a bunch of cockney bois slapdashing shit together that shouldn’t work, and ACTUALLY being a threat is a interesting concept to me.

And that they love the simple life of krumpin some gitz.

What about you, you zoggin meatsack, what’s your faction of choice and why?

  • snooggums
    52 months ago

    Tyranids for having living ships, spawned lifeforms whose bio mass is reabsorbed into the fleet when their work is done, and solid cosmic horror.

    Orks are second for actually carrying forward the original over the top themes of 40k by not taking themselves seriously while the others lost a lot of their original nuance over time by people taking them literally.