i want a little buddy not an obedient kitten. I wanna have conversations with my cat through our actions not tell him to do everything i say. I would love for him to think for himself and learn. but hes sooo stupid guys i know he’s young (a year and 8 months i believe) but im also not speaking his language. he’s smart im sorry. but he keeps biting me even though im like heyy stop!!! and he’s been knocking over his water dish. and eating our roomates plants! he has so much spark and when i teach him sit/stay it breaks my heart because i don’t see any of his personality, just a cat who is really in want of a treat. im his only source of food!!! of course he’ll sit/stay but he KNOWS hes better than that! maybe i should hide little bits of food around the kitchen living room and bedroom (all the rooms i and him have access to) so he can feel like hes hunting and he’ll eat the food instead of wrecking plants? or would that just encourage that behaviour. even know as i type this up i ignore him and he scratches at me. he wants my attention so bad! i don’t wanna be an absent mother!!! he deserves stimulation and attention and praise and patience !!! sit stay is bullshit!!! hes really cute but hes cute regardless. sit stay is to show off! how well trained he is! i don’t wanna train him just teach him what I prefer he does ! im kinda high and i love my cat please share cat tips/advice

edit: added an image of him!!

  • @[email protected]
    121 year ago

    Dude, just love your cat and he’ll love you back. I taught my cat the meaning of “food”. As in, even I say FOOD?! he comes sprinting in hope for food. Same goes for when I say OUTSIDE?! he knows what it means and sprints to the door.

    You can definitely learn them things and they will also love you unconditionally!

    • @[email protected]OP
      41 year ago

      sorry i just get worried cause ive never had a cat or even a dog before. this is my first ever pet and its scary!

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        I recommend binge-watching Jackson Galaxy on youtube, he helped me immensively to understand my first cat. He also has videos for pretty much all issues one might have with a cat.

        • ThayWiz Gwar
          11 year ago

          I second Jackson Galaxy. I learn something from every video.

      • @Aux
        21 year ago

        Don’t hurt your cat and everything else will be fine.