Oh, lord, where to begin? It started poorly, with worse-than-average spinny Hollywood battles, which should have been a bad sign right off the bat. But it proceeded to entirely skip over some of the most interesting parts of Caesar’s life while blatantly misrepresenting the lead-up to the First Triumvirate, displaying a poor understanding and characterization of Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar as well as the general political and social dynamics of the Late Republic.
Also, Caesar had a beard, very undisciplined, 0/10
In what way?
Oh, lord, where to begin? It started poorly, with worse-than-average spinny Hollywood battles, which should have been a bad sign right off the bat. But it proceeded to entirely skip over some of the most interesting parts of Caesar’s life while blatantly misrepresenting the lead-up to the First Triumvirate, displaying a poor understanding and characterization of Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar as well as the general political and social dynamics of the Late Republic.
Also, Caesar had a beard, very undisciplined, 0/10
But beards are in… The focus group said so! How else will we know he’s a handsome man of the people?