Copyright is built on a lie that most people seem to accept: artists can make a decent living from the current system of rewards that copyright provides. As Walled Culture the book (free digital ve…
At this point, copyright doesn’t exist to benefit creators, but to benefit rent-seeking corporate parasites.
That’s why I’m both for and against copyright - I’m for it as an ideal - as a tool to help ensure that creators can profit when others derive value from the fruits of their labors - but I’m very much against the current implementation of it, which exists solely to ensure that overpaid corporate fuckwads can profit off of the fruits of somebody else’s labor.
At this point, copyright doesn’t exist to benefit creators, but to benefit rent-seeking corporate parasites.
That’s why I’m both for and against copyright - I’m for it as an ideal - as a tool to help ensure that creators can profit when others derive value from the fruits of their labors - but I’m very much against the current implementation of it, which exists solely to ensure that overpaid corporate fuckwads can profit off of the fruits of somebody else’s labor.