A couple of weeks ago I decided to put together a website in my spare time, and it went absolutely terribly.

Then I scrapped that project and started over in React JS.

Anyways, what are the pros and cons of defining the Header and Footer like so:

const Header = () => {
  return (
      This is where I'd put my Nav Bar

const Footer = () => {
  return (
      copyright 2024


const App = () => {
  return (
      <Header />
         The Entire Bee Movie Script might go here for example

      <Footer />

Is there any issue with this sort of design versus storing the navbar and footer in a separate file and calling them as needed when pages load?

  • @pinchy
    31 month ago

    Split the file if it feels like to much code to read comfortably. Most often I have a Layout component in a single file that receives its contents as children. Header and Footer are most often their own file in my case but if they are just a few lines of code I leave them in the Layout.